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martes, 20 de febrero de 2018


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There you go a funny game to learn about verb tenses 
Click on the link
Interactivegame --> You can choice a character and you can start to play!

There you go an Alphabet Soup!!
Have Fun!

In the next link you can do a kind of puzzle, It´s really funny T R I E D   I T


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Logo Design by FlamingText.com



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Logo Design by FlamingText.com

There you go some tips, which could help you with english!
Good luck #Begginers

Topics Level B1

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Used to: I’m used to playing football.
Adjetivos en -ed o -ing: I am bored / The film was boring.
You should the next video to learn more...

Preposiciones AT, IN y ON: I’m at the movies. I live in Madrid. I spend money on books.

Click on the next link to learn more about Prepositions --> ClickPrepositions

Comparativo y superlativo: I am taller than her. I am the tallest.

Conectores: As well as, whereas, while, as a consequence.
Genitivo Sajón: Jane‘s car

For & Since: I lived in Madrid for 3 years. 
I’ve lived in Madrid since 2014.
You can learn better in the next link 
---> LearnFORA&SINCE

Yet & Still: I haven’t visited London yet. I still haven’t visited London.

Temario para Nivel B1 Inglés

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Logo Design by FlamingText.com

Afirmative, Negative
 Verb: Play ☺☺

Simple: I play
Continuous: I am playing
Perfect: I have played

Simple: I played
Continuous: I was playing
Perfect: I had played

Simple con will:  I will play

Simple con going to: I’m going to play

jueves, 25 de enero de 2018

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Logo Design by FlamingText.com

Hey #Begginers!!

There you go an English Video, which It could help you to improve your english of a good way!!
Did you know that?

Anything is Possible! If you believe in yourself, you will do it!!
Here we go!!

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

How you doing? ¿Cómo han estado?

English Language

What do you know about the English Language?

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now the third most widespread native language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish, as well as the most widely spoken Germanic language. Named after the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes that migrated to England, it ultimately derives its name from the Anglia (Angeln) peninsula in the Baltic Sea. It is closely related to the other West Germanic languages of Frisian, Low German/Low Saxon, German, Dutch, and Afrikaans. The English vocabulary has been significantly influenced by French (a Romance language), Norse (a North Germaniclanguage), and by Latin.

Countries with English as Official Language.png

I am going to recommend some programs in English for you to download.
And you can practice everyday.
I think you can improve your english.
So, try to learn english. ❤❤☺☺

First a dictionary, if you don't have one, you can download it.

The links of some websites, where you can download free English courses

I will like to recommend  Duolingo website, which is the world's largest online language learning platform. It was recognized as Apple's iPhone App of the Year of 2013 as well as Google Play's Best of the Best of 2013 and 2014. Duolingo's adaptive experience has gamified elements to make language learning more fun and effective. 200 million students are learning a language with Duolingo.

See you #begginers!
I hope you can try to learn english (The most beautiful language ever).


Idioma Inglés

¿Qué sabes sobre el idioma inglés?

El inglés es un idioma germánico occidental que se pronunció por primera vez en la Inglaterra medieval y ahora es el tercer idioma nativo más extendido en el mundo, después del chino estándar y el español, así como el idioma germánico más hablado. El nombre de Angles, una de las tribus germánicas que emigraron a Inglaterra, en última instancia deriva su nombre de la península de Anglia (Angeln) en el Mar Báltico. Está estrechamente relacionado con las otras lenguas germánicas occidentales: frisón, bajo alemán / bajo sajón, alemán, holandés y afrikaans. El vocabulario en inglés ha sido influenciado significativamente por el francés (una lengua romance), el escandinavo (un idioma del norte de Alemania) y el latín.
Los veo, la próxima entrada #begginers y recuerden traten de leer en inglés par aluego en español.

Yo creo que todos pueden hablar inglés.

Resultado de imagen para english +

Resultado de imagen para english +

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

English Begginers

There are some videos on YouTube that could help you to improve your English.
Did you know that?

Hay algunos videos en Youtube que les podría ayudar a mejorar su Inglés.
¿Sabían eso?

Pueden encontrar programas de inglés para PC en esta página, les ayudará muchísimo.


Resultado de imagen para keep calm and learn englishResultado de imagen para keep calm and learn english

English Blog

Hey! How you doing? #CoolPeople

Welcome to this English blog, where you will acquire interesting information about programs and many things that will help you to learn and improve in the English language.



Hola, ¿Cómo están? #PersonasCool

Bienvenidos a este blog de inglés, en donde adquirirás interesante información acerca de programas y muchas cosas que te ayudarán a aprender y mejorar en el idioma Inglés.


English is an easy language!
Try to do it.
I know you can learn it.